


●Undergraduate Courses
MIT Course # Course Title
STS.001 Technology in American History, Spring 2003
STS.002 Toward the Scientific Revolution, Fall 2003
STS.003 The Rise of Modern Science, Spring 2005
STS.011 American Science: Ethical Conflicts and Political Choices, Fall 2004
STS.035 The History of Computing, Spring 2004
STS.036 Industrial Landscapes, Fall 2004
STS.042J Einstein, Oppenheimer, Feynman: Physics in the 20th Century, Fall 2002
STS.049J Technology and Gender in American History, Spring 2004
STS.062J Drugs, Politics, and Culture, Spring 2003
STS.066 Brains and Culture: Love, Lies & Neurotransmitters, Fall 2002
STS.067 Scientific Visualization across Disciplines: A Critical Introduction, Spring 2005
STS.069 Technology in a Dangerous World, Fall 2002
STS.075J Technology and Culture, Fall 2003
STS.085 Ethics and Law on the Electronic Frontier, Spring 2002
STS.086J The Anthropology of Computing, Fall 2004

●Graduate Courses
MIT Course # Course Title
STS.210J Theories and Methods in the Study of History, Fall 2004
STS.210J Theories and Methods in the Study of History, Fall 2003
STS.250J Social Theory and Analysis, Fall 2004
STS.310 History of Science, Fall 2003
STS.360 Ethnography, Spring 2003
STS.410J Readings in American History Since 1877, Fall 2003
STS.415J Nature, Environment, and Empire, Spring 2005
STS.420J The Structure of Engineering Revolutions, Fall 2001
STS.428 Technology and Change in Rural America, Fall 2004
STS.429 Food and Power in the Twentieth Century, Spring 2005
STS.436 Cold War Science, Spring 2004
STS.445J Technologies for Creative Learning, Fall 2004
STS.464 Cultural History of Technology, Spring 2005 NEW
STS.467 Research Seminar in Deep Sea Archaeology, Spring 2002